Hello Neighbors,
I wanted to update the community on what has been going on with hour HOA. About med-summer 2016, Brian and Ronna Jessen resigned from the board. I assumed the responsibility at that time. I would like to thank Brian and Ronna for serving our community neighborhood.
Our HOA meeting was held in September; there were several residents that have agreed to help out with the HOA. I look forward to a productive 2017. We are currently targeting the fence along Airport Road, and park improvements for 2017.
We also will have a newly designed website starting in 2017. I would encourage you to take a look. If you have any questions, please reach out to any of us or contact us through the website, sugarbushfarms.org
Our next yearly HOA meeting will take place in September. I would like to use this time to vote for current or new members and any items that would require a community vote.
Thank you,
John Lents
Board Members
President-John Lents
Treasurer-Stacy Simmer
Secretary-Jerry Rolfson
Architectural Board Member-Blake Polen
Board Member-Deb Adair
Welcoming Committee-Kelley Drake and Susan Coleman
Park-Sue Colosimo
Volunteer as needed-Katie Rigsby
Volunteer as needed-Kim Gibson