Special Week of Pricing on Mailboxes and Posts
Neighbors, Otto Streetscape Solutions gives residents of Sugar Bush Farms a special week of price once per year on all your mailbox and post needs. This year that week is May 10th through May 14th. See attachment below for pricing and contact information.
Rental Restriction Amendment
A special meeting of the Sugar Bush Farms Property Owners Association was held on January 19th, 2021 to vote on amending the neighborhood's covenants and restrictions. The amendment passed and has been filed. See attached document....
Update on Transportation Center
This is the most recent email I received from BCSC in regards to the Transportation Center.
Annual Assessments
HOA assessments are currently $185 per year, due on or before February 1st. You can pay them by mailing a check or money order to the address below.
Mailboxes are the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain and replace when damaged with mailboxes and posts that meet the POA’s requirements.
Nuisance Animals
Troubled by Canadian Geese? This article is full of facts that will help you try to deter the geese or live with them in peace.
New Resident Information
What Requires Architectural Review?
Examples of the types of improvements requiring advance approval from the POA and/or the Town of Brownsburg.
Information about schools attended by children living in Sugar Bush Farms.
Information regarding utilities that provide service to Sugar Bush Farms.